the sarah and hajar series

Sacred Practice and Possibilities at the Intersections of Judaism & Islam


Our Co-Conveners


Pir Ibrahim Baba Farajajé, aka Dr. Ibrahim Abdurrahman Farajajé, may zhis secret be sanctified, is a scholartivist, tikkunolamologist, queer the@logian and public intellectual of multi-religiosity. He was and is a spiritual leader in Jewish and multireligious community, a teacher in the Chishty lineage, guide of the Ateshi-ashk Chishti community & co-founder of Makam Shekhina. Ibrahim Baba served as Provost at Starr King School for the Ministry for over two decades, and as faculty at Howard University School of Divinity for a decade. His sacred teachings on multireligiosity, counter-oppressive devotion, and much more powerfully and palpably live on. Feel him pulsing throughout this series. Welcome him & listen for his blessing beaming wherever you most need it.


Taya Mâ Shere (@tayatransforms) plays passionately in realms of transformative ritual, embodied vocalization and ancestral reverence. She serves as Assistant Professor of the Practice of Organic Multireligious Ritual at Starr King School for the Ministry, training emergent clergy across faith traditions. She is co-founder and Rav Kohenet of Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute, co-author of The Hebrew Priestess: Ancient and New Visions of Jewish Women’s Spiritual Leadership. Taya Mâ hosts the acclaimed Jewish Ancestral Healing podcast and offers online courses including Embodied Presence, Jewish Ancestral Healing, Practice Makes Imperfect and Pleasure as Prayer. Taya Mâ’s Hebrew Goddess chant albums have been heralded as “cutting-edge mystic medicine music,” and her newest album, Makam Shekhina, in cahoots with her collaborator Ibrahim Baba and their multireligious Jewish & Sufi Muslim community, is Hebrew, Arabic and English prayers of counter-oppressive devotion.